Been browsing A Deviant Mind for awhile, enjoying the story but not sure if you want to commit to a VIP Membership Pass? No worries! Now there’s a commitment free, inexpensive way to both support the artist and read the series without incurring later expense.
Just click the PayPal button below! You’ll be charged only 99¢–plus a penny for the 31st day, non-recurring. You will want to take full advantage of the access to get caught up on the storyline, plus check out all the other content NOT AVAILABLE to non-subscribers. Then, at the end of the month, if you’re hooked on the series, head on over to Membership Signup, where you have even more options!
You can continue the adventure with a stress-free Bronze Membership, which offers the first 30 days for $.99, then a monthly recurring charge of .99 for one month access, non-recurring. Full comic access for a 60 day trial period. OR you can choose a Silver, Gold or Platinum Membership for even greater access and fan perks!
paypal-button1So whattaya think? Supporting your favorite comic artist and gaining access to all the stories I have to offer has never been easier. So think about it….and ORDER NOW.
The stories that lie ahead for 2015 are going to be bigger and better than ever…guarantee it.

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